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Soap for Swimmers: Six bars that gently remove chlorine

soap swimmers

Goodbye Chlorine manufactures soap for swimmers and other products for swimmers’ hair and skin. Click here to see our entire product line, or our buyer’s guide.

Listen to the audio version of this article.

Goodbye Chlorine’s soap for swimmers is specially formulated. It makes the job of getting the chlorine off after swimming a snap.

Swimmers have battled for ages with the negative effects of chlorine–dry, itchy skin and a chlorine smell that lasts for days. Goodbye Chlorine soap is a game-changer. Now swimmers can easily remove chlorine from their bodies.

Soap for Swimmers: Six Bars that Work

Before Goodbye Chlorine products, swimmers have been frustrated by chlorine. No matter what soap they used, and no matter how hard they scrub, the chlorine would not come off. That’s because chlorine has a strong bond. Once it attaches to you, it’s difficult to get off–with traditional soap.

Swimmers can tell if it is still on them because they can smell the chlorine when they begin to sweat. Walking up stairs? Smells like chlorine. Dancing? Smells like chlorine. Walking on a warm day? Smells like chlorinde. Okay, you get the idea. Swimmers just want it to stop.

Swimmers can tell if it (chlorine) is still on them because they can smell the chlorine when they begin to sweat.

Our soap gets the chlorine off. Interestingly, you don’t need a strong soap like lava bars or other aggressive soap made for dirty jobs. Swimmers are incredibly clean after swimming because chlorine does a fantastic job of cleaning. And because swimmers are so clean after swimming, they just need to get the chlorine off.

A mild soap will do if it neutralizes and releases the chlorine. A moisturizing soap would be even better because chlorine has stripped the oil from swimmers’ skin.

Our soap for swimmers does all of this and more.

  • Releases Chlorine
    All of our products are designed to neutralize and release chlorine. Remember the strong bond of chlorine? Our products contain chlorine reduction agents that immediately reduce chlorine and release the strong bond.
  • Removes Chlorine
    Our mild soaps carry chlorine away once the chlorine bond has been broken. We’ve made them mild because once the chlorine bond is broken, hard scrubbing is not necessary. Gently washing with our soap is enough to get the chlorine off.
  • Moisturizing
    Our soaps are made from pure and natural ingredients, and are super emmoilient. That means they help moisturize your skin.
  • pH Balanced
    Chlorine is very alkaline. Our soap neutralizes the chlorine and helps to balance the pH of swimmers’ skin.
  • Smells Great
    Our soaps have mild fragrances that smell great.   For people who are sensitive to perfumes, we have two soap bars without fragrances and they smell great too.

Two All-Natural Bars

Anti-Chlorine Soap | Naked
Anti-Chlorine Soap | Naked

Nak’d Body Soap
The Nak’d Body Soap is a minimal soap. We’ve formulated it for people who want just the basics without any fancy colorants or fragrances. It’s a plain soap bar that works hard getting the chlorine off.

Natural Chlorine Removal Soap
The Natural Chlorine soap bar is similar to the Nak’d Body Soap. However, it contains Titanium Dioxide so we can make some fancy patterns in the soap. Titanium Dioxide is a natural white colorant (you know the stuff lifeguards use to protect their noses from sunburn).

Two Specialty Bars

Anti-Chlorine Soap | Orange
Anti-Chlorine Soap | Orange

Orange Pool Soap
Orange Pool Soap has a light orange fragrance which is a reminder of how much Vitamin C is in the soap. Vitamin C is what we use in our soap to release chlorine–and there is tons in our soap bar.

Morning Workout Soap
There is nothing better after a hard morning workout than a cup of coffee (and maybe a doughnut). We use coffee and vibrant essential oils in our Morning Workout soap bar. The essential oils add a refreshing fragrance, and the coffee grounds act as a mild exfoliant. Enjoy morning workouts a little more with our morning workout soap bar.

Two of the Best Soaps

Anti-Chlorine Soap | Morning Workout
Anti-Chlorine Soap | Morning Workout

Original Chlorine Neutralizing Soap
As the name suggests, this is the original soap for swimmers. Nice fragrance that matches with our other original products. This soap will get the chlorine off. It’s a fantastic soap bar.

Tea Tree Soap
We’ve updated the traditional tea tree soap with a mild mint fragrance. This should be called the Tea Tree and Mint soap bar. If you like tea tree fragrances, you’ll love our tea tree (and mint) bar.

These six soap bars will work hard to get the chlorine off, and help you leave the chlorine smell in the pool.

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How Swimmers Protect Their Hair from Chlorine

How Swimmers Protect Their Hair

Men’s Hair Expert David Alexander gives his advice and 5 tips on how swimmers protect their hair in his article: How to Avoid Swimmers Hair in the Pool: Say Goodbye to Swimmers Hair.

He’s noticed, “I know several guys who spend their summers swimming and then buzz their heads to remove the damaged hair. That’s fine, but unless you want to end up giving yourself a buzzcut, maintaining your hair while swimming is important.”

How Swimmers Protect Their Hair from Chlorine:

  1. Saturate your hair with a mixture of water and conditioner before you swim.
  2. Wear a swim cap to help protect your hair from the chlorine.
  3. Swim in salt water rather than a chlorinated pool if possible.
  4. Clean your hair after swimming. He recommends a conditioning shampoo. (Goodbye chlorine has shampoo and conditioner on sale.)
  5. Keep your hair trimmed regularly to keep your hair looking healthy.

Looking for personal care products made for swimmers? Our products get the chlorine out.

Swimmers enjoy the benefits of our chlorine removal products:

  1. Effectively neutralize chlorine.
  2. Gently washes away chlorine.
  3. Restores and hydrates returning moisture to the hair and skin.

You can find products like our Original Hair Conditioner for swimmers, the #1 hair product we recommend, and our handmade chlorine removal soaps. All of our products are handmade with pure ingredients, and as a result, they are very high quality. They are also gentle enough to use daily.

David gives some sage advice about how swimmers protect their hair from chlorine. We hope to make it a little easier.

Read the entire article here: How to Avoid Swimmers Hair in the Pool Say Goodbye to Swimmers Hair By David Alexander Men’s Hair Expert

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Keep Your New Summer Hairstyle Looking Good

swimmers hair looking good

Beauty and Lifestyle Expert Emma-Charlotte Bangay tells readers how to keep their summer hairstyle looking good. She forecasts this summer’s style in her article HOT HAIR TIPS YOU NEED THIS SUMMER.

If you like to change it up, then you may choose:

  • The Blush Blonde (AKA Rose Gold)
  • The Impressionist Blonde
  • The Bohemian Brunette
  • or even the New Age Balayage

One thing is certain, if you go swimming keeping your newly-styled locks looking good will be a top priority.

Bangay gives her swimming tip, “Always rinse your hair post swimming,especially in a pool. And if you are doing prolonged lap swimming, wet your hair first and add a leave-in conditioner to it before putting on your swim cap on and diving in. This will prevent the chlorine ‘grabbing’ to the dry, porous hair shaft. If hair is wet and heavily conditioned, it will help minimize the absorption of chlorine.”

Bangay’s advice is good,  but experienced swimmers know how hard it is to keep the chlorine from damaging your hair.

Don’t worry, protecting and maintaining your new style is easier than ever with Goodbye Chlorine hair conditioner. Our conditioner releases and removes chlorine. It also restores moisture to hair that has been damaged by chlorine.

In addition, we also caution using clarifying shampoos after swimming. The reason is that clarifying shampoos leave your hair crunchy and brittle because they strip your hair of chlorine, minerals (and everything else). Our conditioner is different.

Our conditioner uses special ingredients to neutralize chlorine, heaps of oil (including olive oil) to hydrate your hair, and other ingredients to gently remove any impurities left behind. It’s the one product we recommend you use after swimming. It’s an all-in-one product for swimmer’s hair.

We recommend swimmers use the conditioner during every shower after swimming.

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DIY Home Remedies for Swimmer’s Hair

diy remedies swimmers hair

Swimmers will try just about anything to fix their chlorine-damaged hair and have tried many DIY home remedies for swimmer’s hair. These remedies even including a wide assortment of food.

Take for instance Mikayla Burns who swears by using ketchup. And not just any kind, but their family favorite: Wattie’s. According to this article, the Burns go through a bottle a week during the summer to control the chlorine damage from swimming. Without the ketchup, they claim, their hair will turn a greenish tint.

People have tried many home remedies over the years including:

  • mayonnaise
  • smashed bananas
  • orange juice
  • and coffee

Thanks to Goodbye Chlorine, swimmers will no longer be mistaken as hors d’oeuvres, a condiment or favorite party dip.

Mikayla Burns, ketchup remedy for chlorine damaged hair
Mikayla Burns uses a special brand of ketchup to manage the chlorine damage to her hair. Photo by: ANDY JACKSON / Fairfax NZ

The reason many of these DIY home remedies work to cure swimmers hair is that many of them contain vitamin C. Vitamin C is a strong anti-oxidant. Vitamin C reacts with, neutralizes and releases chlorine on contact. It’s why we use loads of vitamin C in Goodbye Chlorine products–it’s the ingredient that gets the chlorine out.

Releasing the chlorine is one of the many factors we consider when formulating products. Gently removing chlorine once it is neutralized, returning a balanced pH to the hair and skin and moisturizing are some of the other key features of our products.

Our products will gently remove chlorine from your hair and skin after swimming in a chlorinated pool. Swimmers who use our products win the battle against dry brittle (an even tinted) hair.

Find other useful personal care products made for swimmers in our store.

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10 Things To Do After a Hard Swimming Workout

after swimming workout

How many times have you jumped right out of the pool without giving much thought to optimizing your recovery? What you do right after a hard swimming workout can be as important as the workout itself.

SwimSwam gives a rundown of 10 smart things to do after a hard swimming workout that will help you recover:

  1. Sleep
  2. Hydration
  3. Stretching
  4. Power naps
  5. Cooling Down
  6. Fueling the Body
  7. Massages
  8. Ice baths
  9. Compression clothing
  10. Foam rolling

While we agree with the list, don’t forget to use Goodbye Chlorine products after a workout. It’s one thing to look like a swimmer, it’s an entirely different proposition to smell like one. Get the chlorine out.

Find all the personal care products that swimmers use at

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Protect Your Hair Color Before and After Swimming

protect hair color swimming

Your summer plans will undoubtedly include spending time at the pool, and when you do, it’s important to protect your hair color before and after swimming.

Sable Yong at StyleCaster offers up some great tips for protecting your color and keeping your hair looking good.

She writes about what to do before, and after swimming.

Sable Recommends This After Swimming

Wash it out. Rather than shampooing before swimming (which makes no sense), it does help to wash your hair with a bit of clarifying shampoo directly after swimming in a pool. The chlorine and other drying chemicals lingering in your hair will do more damage if left in, so removing it throughly will prevent that damage altogether.

We agree! And there is no better product on the market to instantly remove the chlorine from your hair than our Original Shower Gel for swimmers.

Read Sable’s post to read all of her hair color protection tips, and remember, pack Goodbye Green’s shower gel for swimmers with you this summer when you head to the pool.

Although Sable has great advice, here are four of our best tips:

Protect Your Hair Color Before and After Swimming

  • Wet you hair in the shower before swimming.
    Take a shower and getting your hair wet before swimming. It is one of the best things you can do to protect your hair. By doing so, your hair absorbs tap water and then is more resistant to absorbing pool water.
  • Use a leave-in conditioner.
    Put a small amount of leave-in conditioner on your hair before you get in the pool. The best conditioner to use is our hair conditioner. It is formulated to neutralize chlorine, so it will create a barrier between the chlorinated pool water and your hair.
  • Wear a swim cap.
    If you do put a conditioner on your hair before you get in the pool, you should also wear a latex swimming cap. Not only will this help keep the conditioner in your hair, it will also act as a physical barrier to keep the pool water off your hair.
  • Use Goodbye Chlorine conditioner after swimming.
    Our best tip is to use our conditioner after swimming. It should be the only thing you need to keep your hair looking great. Our conditioner restores moisture, releases chlorine and gently cleans your hair. We have formulated our conditioner with Aztec Clay which bonds to impurities and carries them away. Think of our conditioner as the inverse of a conditioning shampoo. It’s a cleaning conditioner. Our hair conditioner is formulated for swimmers and it should be the only product you need to keep your hair looking great after swimming. If you must, then use our shower gel to shampoo your hair.

Goodbye Chlorine makes products for swimmers. We manufacture soap, shower gel, conditioner and styling products for swimmers. They all work to eliminate chlorine.

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Spring Into a New Hair Color

spring new hair color

Spring motivates us to do lots of things, including getting a new hair color. Gina Rivera, founder of Phenix Salon Suites gives some good tips about what to do when considering lightening your hair color.

Gina writes about the stress swimming can have on your hair:

Really, the stress on your hair is coming from all sides. The sun dries your hair, swimming washes out all the moisture, chemicals in the water can leave deposits on your hair, as can the dirt and dust from all those happy trails.

Chlorine can have incredible damaging effect on your hair. Remember to use Goodbye Chlorine Shower Gel after swimming to gently and immediately remove chlorine from your hair.

Competitive and recreational swimmers no longer have to live with the damaging effects of chlorine. We manufacture products that remove chlorine and return the pH balance and moisture to swimmers hair and skin.

Spring is a great time to change your hair, and exercise routine. If it includes swimming, then don’t forget to take Goodbye Chlorine products with you to the pool.

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Swimming with Blonde Hair? No Problem.

swimming blonde hair

It used to be that swimmers with blonde hair wouldn’t go swimming, but now thanks to Goodbye Chlorine products, swimmer can follow any hair color trend they want.

Recently bleach blonde hair has been making a comeback in the fashion world. Here is an expert article on the subject of going blonde by Mellissa Hoyer.

How Swimmers Maintain Blonde Hair:

  • Use a leave-in UV protection spray as this as this will protect your hair as it is at a very porous state once is has been bleached. You want to look like a chic, not tortured blonde.
  • Using a ‘blonde’ shampoo each week should counterbalance any brassiness or yellowing of your blonde locks.
  • Smoking can help turn you hair a fairly bad shade of yellow, so do your entire body a favour by giving up the fags.
  • If you swim in a chlorinated pool, chances are your blonde may turn murky green as the chlorine attaches itself to bleached hair. Go the swimming cap.
  • Just like your skin, remember to moisture your hair: summer and aircon takes it out of our skin and our hair is no different.

While these are all great tips, we would add one to the list: If you go swimming, don’t forget to pack the Goodbye Chlorine Shower Gel. Goodbye Chlorine was made by swimmers for swimmers, and it immediately neutralizes chlorine. Swimmers no longer have to fret having damaged hair or dry skin because of chlorinated pools.

Don’t worry. If you want to go blonde this summer and swimming is in your plans, just remember to pack chlorine removal shower gel.

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How Swimmers Protect Their Hair and Skin

how swimmers protect hair skin

Here is a great article: Swimming And Chlorine: How Swimmers Protect Their Hair and Skin by

The author details two routines swimmers can use for protecting their hair and skin from the damaging effects of chlorine—an unfortunate side effect all swimmer experience.

How Swimmers Protect Their Hair

  • Apply a thin layer of oil to your hair before swimming. You can pour olive oil, baby oil or coconut oil onto your hands and just rub it through your hair to protect it.
  • Wet your hair with non-chlorinated water prior to swimming will lessen the amount of the element that can be absorbed.
  • Purchase swimming-specific shampoos and other pre-swim conditioning treatments that can keep hair healthy when swimming. (Check out Goodbye Chlorine’s hair and skin products for swimmers.)
  • Re-wet your hair frequently to rinse of the chlorine and keep it saturated with clean non-chlorinated water.
  • Use a bathing cap to keep water from contacting your hair.
  • Add a post-swim routine of deep shampooing, not using the high setting on the blow dryer and using a wide-tooth comb instead of a brush.

How Swimmers Protect Their Skin

  • Apply a waterproof sunscreen designed to protect against chlorine sensitivities.
  • Shower frequently between swims to reduce the amount of overall chlorine your skin will absorb.
  • Shower again after swimming. This will remove all traces of chlorine. Use soap this time.
  • Apply after-swim lotions that are specifically designed to neutralize chlorine’s causticity.

This was excellent advice before Goodbye Chlorine’s products were developed. All of our products have been developed by swimmers for swimmers and combat the damaging effects of chlorine.

Swimmers no longer have to have a lengthy pre- and post-swim routine just to keep their hair and skin healthy. Now simply use Goodbye Chlorine products. Use them separately, or together to maximize the results.

Our products do what they are intended to do. Goodbye Chlorine shower gel removes chlorine naturally and gently washes your skin and hair. Our conditioner also releases chlorine and also re-hydrates your hair.

Simplify your swimming routine, use Goodbye Chlorine products. It’s another reason swimmers love our products.