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Daniel Tammet: Potential, insight and perception.

Daniel Tammet savant brain power

Savants are those types of people who have a particular talent. They are generally considered genius and are likely socially dysfunctional. Dustin Hoffman played a savant in the movie Rain Man, and his character inspired by Kim Peek the real life
Rain Man . Kim Peek is considered a mega-savant and had incredible memory retention and recall. Although he could, and did, memorize volumes of information, he lacked basic motor skills probably due to the way his brain was formed.

You may have seen stories about musicians or artists who are genius’ or prodigies in one area or another. Often diagnosed as autistic, these people have accessed different parts of their brains and in some ways are brilliant–and in other ways severely disabled.

Daniel Tammet is a special kind of savant. He had seizures as a child and researchers think that these seizures re-wired his brain. But what’s so incredible about Daniel is that he seems relatively “normal” for a genius. And because he can describe how he thinks and processes information, he has become incredibly valuable to scientists who study how the brain works.

Here is a mini-documentary about Daniel I found fascinating:

Here’s DaDaniel Tammet, Brain Power

Here’s Daniel’s TED Talk from 2011 if you are interested.

I find it fascinating that the humans are capable of learning a language in a week, or memorizing vast volumes of information, or doing mental math computations, or drawing detailed landscapes from memory. Who doesn’t find it fascinating?

I’m always taken by these stories and reminded that we are capable of so much more than we think we are. Our brains are vastly underutilized. These stories always inspire me to rethink what I’m doing and how I might do things differently.

Do these types of stories inspire you? What lessons can you learn from Daniel and will it inspire you to make some change in your life?

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Goggins overcame his fear of the water to become a Navy SEAL.

gogoggins nothing is impossible

CAUTION: Video contains language not appropriate for some minors.

David Goggins, would have never become a Navy SEAL, had it not been for overcoming his fear of the water. His story is rife with overcoming challenges, but overcoming his fear of the water was an important first step to his success.

I was afraid of the water, terrified of the water. The fear overcame me … I quit.

David Goggins

But Goggins started asking, “What if?” “What if I became a SEAL?” What if … ?” He kept asking himself these questions and they enabled him to overcome the challenges that faced him.

His is an amazing story. He was afraid the water (aquaphobia) yet chose to become a SEAL. Not only did he eventually become a SEAL, but he excelled at it. Somehow he was able to overcome his fear of the water–and a whole lot more–to accomplish many things.

Joe Rogan brings a fine point to the conversation when he says, “People need to hear this story. This is an exciting story for people, because there’s a lot of people out there that feel trapped, and they feel stuck, and they feel like they can’t do anything because this is who they are. You’re a guy who felt that exact same way, but figured out how to not be that person, and be a person who you would admire.”

Here are some tips on how to overcome the fear of swimming.

David Goggins, retired United States Navy SEAL and ultra-distance athlete.
David Goggins faced and overcame his fear of the water.

Can you relate to some of Goggin’s struggles? Do you have a fear of water, or other fears you want to overcome?

Is swimming part of your regular fitness routine? Check out our products that make you life a little better outside the swimming pool.

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Are You Busy or Productive?

wake up early

Joey from his Better Ideas vlog talks about being busy vs. being productive. How many people do you know who are always busy, but never seem to get anything done?

Do you feel like you are constantly busy jumping from one distraction to another? Are you constantly interrupted and beginning more projects than you are finishing?

Joey has two tips to get you back on track:

  1. Start waking up early in the morning. Use that morning as productivity time when you aren’t distracted.
  2. Shorten your to-do list. From your entire list, pick the most important things on your list and do those.

You can see his entire vlog below.

Are you busy yet wish you were more productive? Then his tips may work well for you.

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Goggins recommends stretching, yoga to release the psoas muscle.

goggins psoas stretching yoga

CAUTION: Video contains language not appropriate for some minors.

David Goggins, retired United States Navy SEAL, former world record holder, and ultra-distance athlete used to poo-poo stretching. Through a process of discovery, he found out that a tight psoas muscle was creating debilitating chronic fatigue. He said, “I was choking my insides out. I went from a guy who could run 205 miles to a guy who couldn’t get out of bed.”

I was choking my insides out. I went from a guy who could run 205 miles to a guy who couldn’t get out of bed.

David Goggins

Once he decided to start a stretching routine, he did it Goggins-style and began stretching 1.5 – 2 hours per day and began realizing renewed vitality. It’s an amazing story you can hear in the following video.

Joe Rogan who always brings a fresh perspective noted that Nicolas Gregoriades said, “Yoga is a martial art you do against yourself.” Goggins agrees and mentioned that he’s a believer in maintaining a stretching / yoga routine as a foundational part of his routine.

Here are some symptoms you can have because of a tight psoas muscle.

Here are some yoga recommendations for stretching and strengthening your psoas muscle.

David Goggins, retired United States Navy SEAL and ultra-distance athlete.

Can you relate to some of Goggins’ experiences? Do you have a regular yoga and stretching routine? Should you start?

Is swimming part of your regular fitness routine? Check out our products that make you life a little better outside the swimming pool.

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Phelps Motivation: 3 underwater highlights

phelps underwater brilliant

Here is some motivation for today.

I don’t know about you, but I get goosebumps every time I see a highlight reel of Michael Phelps. This one is terrific. Here are three thrilling underwaters by Phelps.
