Jordan Peterson, who is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has spend considerable time studying the assessment and improvement of personality and performance.
I think it’s safe to say that most, if not all, of today’s leading self-improvement authors say that you should have a plan and work your plan. Or to say it differently, have goals and consistently work towards achieving them.
It’s reinforcing for me to hear Jordan Peterson describe these same ideas, but in his terms.
There is a lot to unpack in this video, but he describes having a vision for your life as a moral obligation and those who succeed are conscientious workers (hard workers). This is a rather lengthy video, but it makes you think of goal setting in a different way.
He talks about a number of related ideas, but to me, they support the idea of achievement = goal setting + hard work.
At the very least it’s a motivating video and is a good way to start your day. Enjoy!
What was your takeaway from the video, and how can you apply these ideas to your life?