Manufacture personal care products for swimmers: Anti-chlorine shampoo, conditioner, soap, shower gel and styling products. Instantly removes chlorine.
Here is a short video by Ben Lionel Scott to give you a little motivation boost today. Go get it! Beast Mode!
… and your problem is you’re on beast mode Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 10 AM to 12 beast mode. 1 to 5. You keep starting and stopping, starting and stopping. I challenge you. I challenge you to make up the gap. I challenge you to go from average. I challenge you to go from good. I challenge you to go from great. And I challenge you to go to be phenomenal. I challenge you to live in beast mode, because beast mode makes more money than average does, period.
You’ve heard it a thousand times before, “You never have a second chance to make a first impression.”
Ryan Serhant, American real estate agent and television star, gives his take on why first impressions are so important. It’s never too late to work on how you present yourself to the world. Can you improve in this area?
CAUTION: Video contains language not appropriate for some minors.
David Goggins, retired United States Navy SEAL, former world record holder, and ultra-distance athlete used to poo-poo stretching. Through a process of discovery, he found out that a tight psoas muscle was creating debilitating chronic fatigue. He said, “I was choking my insides out. I went from a guy who could run 205 miles to a guy who couldn’t get out of bed.”
I was choking my insides out. I went from a guy who could run 205 miles to a guy who couldn’t get out of bed.
David Goggins
Once he decided to start a stretching routine, he did it Goggins-style and began stretching 1.5 – 2 hours per day and began realizing renewed vitality. It’s an amazing story you can hear in the following video.
Joe Rogan who always brings a fresh perspective noted that Nicolas Gregoriades said, “Yoga is a martial art you do against yourself.” Goggins agrees and mentioned that he’s a believer in maintaining a stretching / yoga routine as a foundational part of his routine.
Outside my office window is a construction project. It’s been underway for about a year and a half. Every day the work begins at 7 AM. At about 6:45 the crane operators walk up the ladders. Crews below begin organizing and assessing the day’s work ahead.
They work every day. They begin at 7 AM. Every day.
It’s a sizable building 5 or 6 stories high. When the project began it was nothing but a vacant lot and machines used to drive pilings. Kuthunk, kuthunk, kuthunk. The sound of the pile drivers went on for months. Always beginning at 7 AM. Working every day.
The building has been slowly and steadily going up. They still have several months before the building is closed in, but progress is evident. Some days more progress is made than others. Some weeks it seems as though they have built an entire floor. Every day they begin at 7 AM.
It’s remarkable how a building of this size is built. Machinery, men, technology, equipment all come together in a choreograph that has been refined to maximize efficiency. And every day more evidence of their work. If I had traveled for the past year and a half, I may have thought on first sight, “Where did that building come from?”
But I didn’t travel. I was here every day. I see the result of consistent work and the compounding effect of small individual efforts brought together in a modern building.
You hear old sayings like, “You climb a mountain one step at a time.” and “You eat an elephant one bite at a time.” And yes, you build a building one nail at a time, one day at a time.
These sayings drive at the root of success: Consistency and perseverance are the path to success. In the case of this building: work began every day at 7AM.
Michael Phelps claims he swam every day for more than 5 years. Do you have that kind of commitment to achieve your dreams and aspirations?
Do something every day long enough and one day you will achieve your dream. What are your dreams and what sacrifices are you willing to make in order to achieve them?
I don’t know about you, but I get goosebumps every time I see a highlight reel of Michael Phelps. This one is terrific. Here are three thrilling underwaters by Phelps.
Certainly you’ve heard the sports cliche, “90% of performance is above the neck”. It’s hard to accept especially when you consider the daily self-inflicted pain swimmers endure. But were it not for the mental toughness, would the body comply? Of course your body has to be there, but isn’t it your mind that guided it?
But what about the mind expanding thought of doing something commonly thought of as impossible, such as:
Climbing Mt. Everest in shorts, or running a half marathon barefoot in snow?
Impossible? What if you had such access and precise control over your mind that you were able to regulate your body temperature and withstand such extreme cold? Again, impossible?
Wim Hof, holds 26 world records including the longest ice bath of 1 hour and 52 minutes. He defies previously held scientific beliefs by controlling his mind, and his body temperature.
Wim Hof’s achievements expands the world of possibilities for all of us. For instance, in track a sub-4 minute mile was thought to be an impossible feat. But once Roger Bannister broke it, others quickly followed.
I’m not recommending that you become an extreme thrill-seeker. Instead, I’m suggesting that you reflect on your own preconceived ideas and mental limits. Realize that you have built a mental image of what you can and can’t do. And, most importantly, you can change that mental construct immediately.
What lessons can you learn from Wim Hof, and how can you use this lesson to improve your life or achieve your goals?
Wim Hof’s accomplishments teaches us what we once thought impossible may actually be possible.
Whether you are just headed to the pool to relax, or for a serious workout, one thing is certain: When you are finished at the pool you’ll be reminded of it by the chlorine smell. How is it that after swimming chlorine has a way of just hanging around?
It’s the nature of chlorine. It’s a terrific sanitizer and clings on to all organic matter (read: you).
There is one secret that elite swimmers have and that’s how to get rid of chlorine after swimming and keep the chlorine smell confined to the swimming pool.
There is one secret that elite swimmers have and that’s how to get rid of chlorine after swimming and keep the chlorine smell confined to the swimming pool.
Avid and elite swimmers use personal care products specially made to remove chlorine.
In addition to a bunch of other personal care products, we make chlorine removal body wash for swimmers.
Our products are made in different strengths depending on what you need. Here’s the break down of each brand.
ELITE is made for elite athletes who are in the swimming pool more than 5 times per week.
Goodbye Chlorine is for fitness fanatics who are in the swimming pool up to 5 times per week.
Swimmer Kids is for kids who are learning to, or who love to swim.
Protect is for health nuts who want extra protection from chlorine in their daily lives.
It’s the end of the year and time when people start thinking about their New Year’s resolutions. Invariably this boils down to family, health and finances. This post talks about health and the #1 thing most Americans want to do is lose some weight. Some more than others, but lose weight nonetheless.
I think the best way to organize this article is to tell you my three lifestyle changes first, and then explain them one at a time. Here they are:
Reduce (try to eliminate) all sugary drinks.
Time-restricted eating.
Daily walking.
That’s it. It simple and sustainable. The only thing that is difficult, if you want to think of it as difficult is to actually do it. If you decide you want to do this, my suggestion is to think about this as a lifestyle change and not as a diet. This is not a binary test. You didn’t simply pass or fail. It’s a lifestyle and each of these ideas should be thought of as a spectrum. If in your mind you want to walk 30 minutes every day, but you only waked 15 minutes one day, or missed a day, just quickly forgive yourself and use it as a reminder that this is a lifestyle not a requirement. It’s something you want and like to do, not have to do. Simply pick up where you left off and keep going.
If you can keep these three ideas as the rule, not the exception then you will be healthier.
Also, by adopting this as a lifestyle, you can move your time horizon out significantly. You don’t have to think about achieving your goal next week or next month. You can think about a year, 2 years, 3 years or 5 years. Lifestyle has a much more powerful and lasting connotation than diet which is generally related to and thought about as a temporary fad.
I could go on to say consult your doctor before making any dietary changes, or beginning an exercise routine, but if your doctor disagrees with any of these changes then get a new doctor. Let’s get to it.