Goodbye Chlorine manufactures anti-chlorine shampoo and other products for swimmers’ hair and skin. Click here to see our entire product line, or our buyer’s guide.
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Anti-chlorine shampoo for swimmers is an essential in any swimmer’s bag. In this article we take a look at the four brands we offer.
After beginning a regular swimming routine, you may notice great health benefits–and you may also notice that chlorine is damaging your hair. As your hair turns dry, brittle, crunchy and dull (a condition called “swimmer’s hair“) you may be looking for a shampoo that removes chlorine.
Enjoy Swimming without the consequences of Swimmer’s Hair
Since the invention of chlorinated swimming pools, swimmers have battled with the damaging effects of chlorine. It is so common, that ELITE swimmers have just found a way to deal with itchy, dry skin. Some wear the lingering chlorine odor as proof they have been in the swimming pool for 2-3 hours a day.
In the past, swimmers had to find ways to cope with these problems. Fortunately, damaged hair and the lingering chlorine odor can be eliminated with our shampoo product lines. Read this article if you would like to learn more about our shampoo and conditioner value bundles.
Goodbye Chlorine Anti-Chlorine Shampoo
Recreational swimmers who are in the pool up to 5 times per week should use our Goodbye Chlorine products. This shampoo is the correct strength for recreational swimmers. It gently and effectively removes chlorine without using harsh chemicals. Buy our anti-chlorine shampoo with conditioner and receive a discount here. We also offer a larger discount with our value bundle here.
ELITE Anti-Chlorine Shampoo
Elite athletes who are in the pool more than 5 times per week should use our ELITE products. Our strongest shampoo is made for elite athletes who have prolonged exposure to chlorine. It is gentle and effectively removes chlorine without using harsh chemicals. Buy our anti-chlorine shampoo with conditioner and receive a discount here. We also offer a larger discount with our value bundle here.
Swimmer Kids Anti-Chlorine Shampoo
Children who are learning to swim or who love to be in the pool should use our Swimmer Kids products. Our swimmer kids shampoo is the correct strength for young swimmers. It effectively removes chlorine without using harsh chemicals and is gentle enough to use every day. Buy our anti-chlorine shampoo with conditioner and receive a discount here. We also offer a larger discount with our value bundle here.
Protect Anti-Chlorine Shampoo
People who are sensitive to chlorine, who use chlorinated showers or who enjoy the back yard hot tub should use our Protect products. Our Protect shampoo is the correct strength for people who are sensitive to chlorine. It gently and effectively removes chlorine without using harsh chemicals. Buy our anti-chlorine shampoo with conditioner and receive a discount here. We also offer a larger discount with our value bundle here.
Anti-Chlorine Shampoo and Conditioner
Our anti-chlorine shampoo and conditioner work better together. See our “better together” offers for our brands: Goodbye Chlorine, ELITE, Swimmer Kids and Protect.
Articles you may find helpful
Chlorine Removal Shampoo
Shampoo and Conditioner Value Bundles
Shampoo for Swimmers’ Hair: What elite swimmers use.
Conditioner for chlorine hair.
Swimmer’s Hair: How to avoid it and fix it.
What causes “swimmer’s hair” and how to care for it.
Should you use anti-chlorine soap, or anti-chlorine spray?
Shampoo avid swimmers use to win the chlorine battle.
The Science of Chlorine: Why it’s important for public health.